Doug Carlson, UCSF registrar, applies precision to academic record-keeping and also operates scoreboards at major sports ...
This is part of a UC San Francisco series to promote greater awareness and understanding of gender identity and the use of a person’s lived name to foster acceptance, inclusion and belonging. Explore ...
Gift Launches New UCSF Training Program for Jobs in Health Care ...
Patel, 28, is part of the UCSF Department of Emergency Medicine ’s Residency Program. While most often at Parnassus Heights, he also splits his time with emergency departments at Zuckerberg San ...
The Postdoc Slam 2024 winners from left to right are Colin Hoy, PhD (third place, tie), Sonia Nocera, PhD (second place and People’s Choice Award), Alicer K. Andrew, PhD (third place, tie), and ...