On September 12, Dr. Irina Bokova, former director-general of UNESCO, paid a visit to the International Science and Technology Organizations headquarters in Beijing.She toured the offices of various ...
In traditional Chinese culture, the moon is emblematic of human emotions and has a prominent role in ancient Chinese literature, songs and mythology. The Mid-Autumn Festival or Moon Festival is one of ...
William N. Brown has called China home for over 30 years. "I'm fortunate to live in a country as beautiful as China, in the vibrant city of Xiamen, and at a university as remarkable as Xiamen ...
The Mid-Autumn Festival, one of China's most cherished traditional holidays, is deeply rooted in the country's cultural heritage. Known for the rich poetry, it has inspired and customs, the stories of ...
The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival, is a harvest festival celebrated in Chinese culture. Held on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunisolar ...
Foreign companies continue to invest heavily in China, highlighting recognition of the vitality of China's market. German investment in China has risen to a record high recently. Figures from ...
If you're a visitor to the Great Wall of China and you get hunger pangs whilst climbing all those stairs, there is no need to worry. You can now have your favorite food, drinks or even medical ...
The 17th Pujiang Innovation Forum, held in Shanghai from September 7 to 10, saw 300 experts from 40 countries discuss its overarching themes, "Sharing innovation and shaping the future" and "Towards ...
9月19日,东航国产大飞机C919首次加注SAF(可持续航空燃料)执行MU9192商业航班任务。航班于当天17:16从北京大兴起飞,19:01抵达上海虹桥,航班上129名旅客成为首批体验国产大飞机加注SAF飞行的旅客,这次飞行也是国产大飞机C919首 ...
新华社北京9月20日电 中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理李强20日下午在人民大会堂会见第17届夏季残奥会中国体育代表团全体成员。他强调,在巴黎残奥会上,你们顽强拼搏、奋勇争先,取得了金牌榜、奖牌榜“双第一”的优异成绩,实现了比赛成绩和精神文明双丰收,为祖国和人民赢得了荣誉。李强代表党中央和国务院向全体运动员、教练员和工作人员表示热烈祝贺和诚挚慰问。